FINALLY they’ve picked up their game! Adelaide workshops have definately improved………although I still don’t think Tim’s gym is the ideal place. Good location, but too small, and no room to socialise and watch. I was sitting up the back watching attack (which looked like it ROCKED btw), and a stupid attacker at the back seemed to want to get further back, nearly trampling me…………despite the fact she had heaps of room in front of her! Jam was finally REAL fun. It’s only taken me 4 classes of doing 37 to finally get it, but it was FUN! And I got the TURN!!!! YAY! All in all, the presenters were all pretty awesome, they all knew their chorrey, there was plenty of volume (except in pump when they blew the fuse early on) and plenty of atmosphere. I just wish there was more room. There’s no changerooms, only 2 toilets, no where to sit really. If they had those things, then that location would nearly be considered perfect I just feel sorry for poor Kim though. She’s torn her calf muscle again……….on the OTHER leg