My first time to a grading, and an interesting experience it was! Started off me arriving in my normal uniform, not realising that we MUST wear our white jackets as part of our uniform to the grading. So I was in my black taekwondo shirt, and everyone else was in white. I had several black belts all coming up to me asking where my jacket was, and then shortly after I was pulled out and had to wait till I could borrow someone elses jacket. Then into the changerooms to “switch”. Gawd I felt like a criminal! Anyway, so on to the grading, most of it was spent sitting down on a hard cold floor while the yellow belts got “punished” for not making enough noise. Then when our turn came along, we didn’t do much for long. Then at one point we had to do a side kick and then hold our leg out. My friend Shona was watching (her kids do taekwondo, that’s how I got into it) and apparently I was the ONLY one who didn’t wobble. Wont know until next week the results, but next week I will hopefully be wearing a YELLOW belt, and then (hopefully) the REAL fun will start!