yay I did another attack fillin, this time at Zest Burnside. This is the biggest class I’ve had to teach yet, and I spent the afternoon learning releases 55 cuz I hadn’t learnt it yet! I didn’t think I was going to be able to learn it in time, but I did, and I even got the gallop square!
I didn’t make any mistakes beyond a few minor ones that any normal instructor would do. I only found track 7 a bit messy and feels strange to figure out where you start again after you change sides of the room. I’m sure I’ll be able to get it next time.
I had a few people come up and say “thanks, great class” so that’s definately a good thing! The difference with Burnside compared to Modbury, is that all the members at Modbury KNOW I’ve only trained in attack fairly recently. They all know me as an instructor, they saw me go from just participating in classes, to then shadowing on stage. So to then step into taking a class they already know and respect me as an instructor, so I don’t have to worry about getting judged. Whereas at Burnside very few people know me, so I’m contending with a big class, a fillin, and people a little more aprehensive about this “new” instructor.
Anyways, I’m very happy with how the class went and it was a great chance for me to teach 55.