Did second day of bodytrainer course yesterday. Have to say I get a bit fidgety sitting on my butt all day. Was quite amusing cuz yesterday I ended up sitting next to Elle (Mel and Elle…….oh my……how confusing 😯 ) and we couldn’t help giggling at one point. She made a ring out of the lollies they provided for us (snakes, jelly babies, raspberries etc). She used the raspberry as the diamond on the ring, and somehow, just somehow it was so hilarious. We ended up cracking up laughing and just couldn’t stop………which got attention of course.
At that point the presenter looked at us and said “is there something funny you’d like to share with us?” 😆
She showed him her ring and he just rolled his eyes.
Geesh, we were acting like teenage kids……haha
Anyway, following that I got home fairly early, caught up on some forum stuff I had to do, PM’s, mods, and tried to read a few posts etc. Was feeling a bit grouchy though, so after responding to a couple of posts I knew I was getting a bit on the “strong” side…….so went to bed about 8.30pm (can you believe it???). Ended up getting woken up though by my housemate who’d fallen asleep on the lounge, snoring………which is just outside my bedroom door. Was a bit furious at that though and made him go to bed, and so I lay awake for about an hour before finally getting to sleep again…….so frustrating. Turns out he hadn’t tied the dogs up, had left all the lights on and the back door open………grrrr.
The triple I taught this morning (BP/BC/BB) was a bit tough. I dunno if it’s just the weather at the moment or not (hot, humid and raining) but it really was a struggle. I finally not feeling as sick as I was, but I’m still pretty tired, and now my shoulder seems to be playing up again. Maybe time to book in for a sports massage again?