well, the flight home was rather uneventful. First time I’ve flown Air New Zealand and somehow they seem quite “different”. Can’t put my finger on it, but I could just tell I wasn’t flying QANTAS or Virgin. Maybe it was the accents, lol. Our flight got delayed for an hour due to heavy fog….first time that’s happened to me.
I didn’t get too air sick thank gawd, but flying still takes a lot out of me. I always land feeling tired, nauseous and incredibly dehydrated. Came home and snoozed for a while…..only meant to sleep for about an hour or so, but ended up sleeping for 3 or 4 hours 😳
I can tell I worked out hard at the filmings, my legs, OUCH! Particularly my hamstrings, they hurt the most, and I guess sitting still for 5 hours didn’t help. Anyway, it’s all systems back on tomorrow with my BP/BA/BB triple. Eeeek, I hope I can remember which is my right leg!