The day started off with the usual intro and paperwork stuff with the training being taken by Sharyn Zrna, our local Adelaide trainer. The group is a pretty small group of us, with only 6 doing the training. As always happens with all Les Mills trainings, we had the masterclass pretty early on. It felt odd suddenly realising that I’m in a training of a program I know little about. All my previous trainings I’ve known the insides and outs of the program way before training in it.
We were assigned our tracks after the masterclass. Vive has a slightly different structure in that over the 3 days we have to present 3 entire tracks. Since the training occurs over 3 consecutive days (Fri, Sat, Sun) we have to present our 1st track of the morning of day 2, the 2nd track in the afternoon of day 2 and the 3rd track on the morning of day 3. Then the afternoon of Day 3 as a group we have to launch BODYVIVE 4 to an entire class consisting of members and friends and whoever we can bribe to come along!
So my tracks for the weekend are track 5, 8 and 6 (the order we have to present them due to the structure of the vive format).
So back to learning chorrey for now. More chorrey, yay….lol