Day 2 down and 2 presentations over. Wow.
Trainings are always full on. So in the morning we did our 1st presentation. I have to say it never really gets any easier…..even after 5 trainings. Ok, well it gets a bit easier, but you still get nervous. I think I did pretty well in my track, I made a couple of minor chorrey mistakes. Not major, but just stopped the knee repeaters 1 knee earlier and stuff like that. But since it’s filled with marches in between it’s easy to cover it up.
When it came to receiving feedback, she commended me for some of my cues which I have to say has really showed the benefits of my pro-instructor training. All the cues she pointed out were all pro-instructor type cues and it’s stuff that just comes second nature to me now. Felt pretty good about that. On the constructive side she said my moves could be bigger and more powerful. A few of us pulled back too much as it is a Vive training, the result being we became TOO quiet in our moves. It may not be BODYATTACK, but the moves can still be more energy. So something for me to work on, although admittedly that’s something that tends to happen with me when I’m learning something new…….my moves aren’t as big and since I’m tall things are emphasised more.
For the second presentation in the afternoon I had track 8, Eye of the Tiger. Not sure what got into my head, but I decided the step to the angle move was a bit like a 3D version of Connect 4……and I concluded the track with “Eye of the Viver….” …….hehe, the other guys liked that one.
Late afternoon we started planning and coordinating who was going to do what for our BODYVIVE launch. We still have our 3rd presentation in the morning, but we have to do present the whole class for the afternoon. I’m going to be teaching tracks 5 and 6 and I’ll be shadowing for 3 and 8. All of us will be on stage for tracks 11 and 12 at the end.