The time has rolled around again and Adelaide Workshop was held in a new location at the YMCA in Kensington Park. The location was reasonably centre thank gawd, but this is the first time the workshop has been held on a basketball court since the days when the workshop always used to be at Marion.
Basketball courts suck.
Not only was the floor filthy (not nice in balance), but the room had no air con and with a forecast of around 35C it wasn’t nice. Normally I don’t mind the heat, but I’m slightly more sensitive to it at the moment.
I did combat and balance in the afternoon, although I took it easy cuz I taught pump aswell in the morning (BP62 again………OUCH!) and that’s not an easy task for a 6 month pregnant woman, especially in this heat. So I took options, but I was glad to be able to participate (and it was nice to take it easy and have a good excuse, lol).
I can’t remember a lot, but what struck me is the shocking music for track 4 and 5………..but I LOVE the music for tracks 7 and 8. Chorrey is fantastic for track 4, love the way they’ve set up the jump kick. No evasive side kicks, but the ginga is back again this time around. Track 6 also kinda resembles the track 6 from BC28……….which is handy cuz I’ve been teaching that track lately.
Balance I found to be quite nice, although I was concentrating hard not only on following, but also on doing pregnancy options where possible. Funnily enough I can still manage to lay on my stomach without discomfort, which isn’t common I don’t think. It doesn’t seem to bother me at all, although I can no longer do bow pose. I think I can demo the 1 leg version but I don’t get anything out of the actual move, so it’s pointless for me to do (but handy that I can demo). Funnily enough we do a seated twist which is actually similar to the pregnancy option, so that’s gonna be hard for me to teach them “DO go the same way as me this time!” haha
Also got a chance to say hi to Kendall Kimball and Kylie Gates who I last saw at the Les Mills February filmings in 2006, so that was pretty cool.
Anyway, absolutely stuffed this evening now, seems I’m not sleeping well either lately. I guess my body is adjusting to sleepless nights in advance (I dunno why the body has to do that, it really isn’t necessary yanno!).
SOund like you lead quite and intersting and highly energetic and healthy lifestyle. I am keen on becoming an RPM/ Spin instrcutor but do not hjave a personal training certiciation or any previous certification in any form of physical training. Am just very agile and interested. With all your experience, do you think it is poissble to jump straight into a RPM instructor course without doing a cert III???