Well after what sounded like quite a tough training, Alexander passed! Congrats to him because I think it musn’t be easy trying to learn how to teach in a language that isn’t your own and the trainer sounded like he was very tough. Again it was a pretty exhausting day and I arrived to pick up Alexander while they were all one by one getting their results and at this point he was really worried that he wouldn’t pass. While he said he did well in the first presentation in the morning, for the second presentation he felt he had stuffed up, although I had a hunch he was just being really hard on himself.
Alexander ended up getting track 8 to present and the trainer had all incredibly positive feedback apart from one small minor technique issue which was probably more due to fatigue rather than being an error. The rest of his technique is excellent cuz of his martial arts background. I’m looking forward to learning some technique tips from Alexander in the future to improve my own technique and now this also means that when we return to the Netherlands we’ll be able to team teach!