Wooowweeee this has been a big week (by unfit non-instructor standards). Monday night, taught my first pump/balance double in ages, followed by Tuesday with another pump class (I really felt myself weakening here, definitely not the same anymore trying to do pump 2 nights in a row). Wednesday ended up being a tough day with lots of physical work moving laptops, ie. shifted 2 desktops and 11 laptops on a sack truck from Gawler Place (near Grenfell St) to Victoria Square, then helped a courier cart another 5 sack truck loads to his courier van.
So, after all that I am suddenly remembered why I chose to do personal training in the first place. I was knackered and weak, but I was determined (a step up in motivation right there).
Now due to my back/hip problems and weaknesses, at the moment the focus is on core strength, and boy did she smash my core. The personal trainer I have chosen, I used to work along side of, so I know I have chosen someone I will be happy with as I have seen her work. But that happeness also has a not so pleasant side………….it’s called pain {grimace}
I know I know, us instructors LOVE that pain, right? But that’s only when you are fit! Going back to starting from scratch it’s just not fun anymore, but yet there is still that satisfying moment knowing your being pushed to that point you would never have gone on your own.
Trust me, I would have given up on the first hover with my feet suspended in the stirrups, but she wanted me to do 3. Oh no wait, that was just 3 reps…………wasn’t SO bad I guess? Till after the rest I learnt that I was doing 3 sets.
Oh yes, I definitely would have given up a loooong time ago.