Well, I taught this release again tonight so I think I’ve done it enough times now to give it a proper review. I quite like this release although there’s a couple of tracks I’m not sure about.
1. Love this warmup! Lots of energy and Rock This Party starts off awesome with the step into the Ginga. Awesome!
2. Great track, slow double roundhouse kicks……..wicked! Motivating music.
3. I like most of this track, but towards the end the chorrey feels a fraction messy. Not as bad as track 5, but you just don’t quite get into the zone. I dunno what it is that doesn’t feel right……maybe it’s just me with struggling with the chorrey?
4. Ginga + jumpkick = MADNESS. I probably wouldn’t have liked this remix of Bon Jovi under normal circumstances, but you’re so busy gingaring and coordinating everything that you don’t even notice 😆 Love the kata blocks……lots of power.
5. ewwww, messy……..I just dunno……..hmmmm
6. Pink…….well, I don’t mind Pink, but I’m getting a bit Pinked out now. It’s one thing having her in pump and balance, but does she really fit in in combat???
7. WE ROCK!!!!! yeah ok I love this one 😉
8. Love this track too! 6 minutes……….haha, almost sounds too cheerful for combat, but hey, it’s fun. I loved this track in Attack too, so I was excited when I heard it in combat! Lots of fun to teach this track.
9. hmmmm
10. Yep awesome cooldown. Revisit the blocks from track 4, with a slight different feel. Fantastic!
I have to say though, I think I’m feeling a little more skeptical than I usually would be cuz I’m a little bit burnt out from working hard. Hopefully I can hold things together and not lose my passion. I really think I’d be more positive about ALL the tracks though if I wasn’t quite as stressed with other things in my life. Oh wells, I’ll still have fun teaching it 😉
thanks for the review Mel, im hoping to do this BC31 on Wed, yay. Still not looking forward to the Jovi track thou, lol
We just received 31. I’ve looked at the DVD, and thought how am I ever going to learn this!!! We launch in late April. Here’s the question, What is hard to learn? I’m really frustrated right now with Combat! Man I’m a burnt french fry! between RPM,PUMP and Combat…i’m fried!
hmmmm, I think the hardest tracks to learn are 1, 3, 5 and 8. Probably the hardest of that lot are 1 and 5.
It’s hard to tell you whether they’re hard or whether I’m just teaching too many programs though!