My back is feeling much better thank gawd. It’s still a bit painful when I do some things, but it’s mostly ok and I can stand upright now and walk around without looking like a duck. Hopefully this means it’s just another one of those short bouts that will disappear completely within a few days.
Flights are now all booked to NZ. Leaving Saturday afternoon so that I arrive in Auckland late Saturday night. I may try and find an attack class to do on Monday which might hopefully be the preview for the filming release. I’d like to get a practise in, cuz I’m slow with coordination when I don’t know the chorrey. The attack filming is on Monday so if I could get a practise in that’d be helpful. Vive is straight after the attack filming and I think I might stick around for that. We’ll see. The Jam filming is on before attack, but I just really don’t know if I’ll do it this time around. Gandalf has promised me that it’s getting easier, but I dunno, the class just continues to make me feel incompetant.
I think it’s because everybody has a different learning style. Most people are predominantly visual learners. I’m quite a strong aural learner, with a fair bit of kinesthetic. Most visual learners don’t really “get” non-visual learners. People sometimes say to me “you know that girl that was wearing the red top” and I have absolutely no idea. I remember everything people say, but NOTHING that people wear or look like. I’m unlikely to even remember hair colour. As an example I’ve been to a couple of workshops now with sofie and I’ve pointed out to her things that I’ve heard the presenters say, yet she doesn’t remember it. I hear EVERYTHING 😉
Coming back to Jam, I think it’s a program that relies strongly on a visual learning style. I just can’t pick it up. I need someone to tell me where to put my left foot, where to put my right foot, how slow, how fast……but then you just can’t do that with jam 😆
ok I’ll admit maybe if I did it more often I’d get better at it, it’s like all the programs right? Like where am I going to fit extra time in my week? 😉
OK back to the filmings. So attack and vive monday night………Tuesday & Wednesday try and find some preview classes for combat and balance and maybe some other stuff in the meantime? Dunno, not planning too much just now till I get there. Then Thursday is the filming for pump, combat and balance. Well step is in there aswell, but no step this time for me. I’ve done the whole mad “do all the filmings” thing last year, so I’ll pace myself this year and just do the one’s I’m mad about.
I’m kinesthetic in the sense that I have to do the move in order to explain it to people. But you’re right, Jam seems to rely on visual learning a lot, and if the instructor doesn’t intentionally script aural cues it’s hard for people who don’t rely on visual cues.
But do try attending more Jam classes. We kinesthetics eventually get it if we keep practicing the right moves. 🙂
You are so lucky…I would love to be at Jam filmings, but I think I would be very uncomfortable and they might kick me out because if I’ve never seen the chorey before, I’m horrible.
I am very much both a visual and kinesthetic learner. I need to see the choreography once, and my mind will start to pick out parts of it to replay…over and over and over again, lol. It’s like having a never ending DVD player in my head.
TmbrWolf, one thing I have to say is you don’t have to worry about getting kicked out. Last year when I came I actually FELL OVER trying to do jam. The unfortunate thing for me is that I’m tall and everyone saw it, including Rach, G, Kylie etc. The good news for you is you know you can come here and you can’t be much worse than that 😉
Hello Mel,
Sorry for my worse english.
I’m a bodyjam instructor from holland, I was wondering, do you still remember the tracklist of bodyjam 42?
Greetz Brenda
sorry I only saw bodyjam 42 once so I only remember 1 song off it. But even if I did remember I wouldn’t post it anyway, since they need to be kept confidential until the workshops 😉