well I thought I’d better actually say something about my birthday since it’s really such a dramatic event turning TWENTY ONE 😛
Went out for dinner with a group of people, 25 or so. I booked a table for 30 but a couple cancelled. The really scarey thing is, there were lots more that were SUPPOSED to come, but didn’t turn up. However, It should have added up to around 30. Yet there were still so many people there. Did I just add it up all wrong? I can’t figure out how I got the numbers so wrong, yet it turned out so perfect!
First of all the night started with me being late…….haha. Well it wasn’t all my fault, but hey, there was a lot of organising to do to get my butt there in time. I arrived with Jasmine, Amanda and her friend Alan. Did dinner, received some pressies which was really sweet since I didn’t expect any pressies. Then I stupidly left my credit card at Cafe Fellini’s before moving on to the Oxford. Once we got to the Oxford, people kept buying me drinks, so I was oblivious to the fact that I’d left my card behind and that I had no cash.ÂÂ
i can’t handle much alcohol
Please…….nobody ever make me scull a Jagerbomb ever again!!!! ok I’ll admit that it did taste nice though!
I have little recollection of time, but I think sometime following this I became slightly smashed………and decidedly ill….uh oh……haha. I don’t normally drink much…….nor do I usually drink coffee. Normally when I do drink though, I’m always in control. I always KNOW where my handbag is, I know what time it is and where all my body parts are. Somehow this did not happen this night…….but hey, it was my TWENTY FIRST ( ) after all 😆ÂÂ
Everybody knows I cannot count….. ÂÂ
Just for the record, yes I was born on April Fools Day.
We always turn 21 a few times. I think my mom is at 39 counting backwards. I hope you had a great time, I can see you are still with us!!!
holler from texas…peace