Les Mills has entered its program video clips in a contest being run by the IDEA Health and Fitness Association. Check out the clips on the contest page and vote for your favourite. You can vote as many times as you like (once a day max) until the competition closes on June 20 and it would be great to get your support.
The links directly to each LM program are:
Vote for your favourite, and then keep voting!
Maybe this message from RachΓΒ can help inspire you to vote:
Hey guys..
I’m sitting in the lobby of some Spanish hotel waiting to be met for a class and had a chance to check out the ‘vote for les mills’ video page…
Have you guys got your families on board with the BODYCOMBAT VIDEO vote yet or what…I’m talking, mothers, fathers, brothers , sisters, daughters, son’s, grandson’s, grandaughters, great-grandsons, great-grandaughters, cousins, cousins that are reallly family friends that your mum calls cousins cos its much easier, aunties and uncles, aunties and uncles that are totally NOT related to you that you still have to kiss at festive times becasue your folks call them auntie and uncle ‘such a body’…and you think ‘whoaaaaaa here we go with kisses again’…the paperboy…the cute next door neighbour that your desperate to strike up conversation with…..your tutor’s at school/college/university/play group/yoga/coffee group/book club/cinema club/movie club/chess club/….the personal trainer who keeps you in shape your whole life, the milk man, the waiter that served you last night, the dog…Yes THE DOG can vote…have you not seen Lassie??, ALL YOU CLASS MEMBERS that you teach BODYCOMBAT too every week….your boss at work that needs to know how to vent his/her stress, ….crikey I just told the air steward to vote from Milan Malpensa to Madrid…
COME ON PEOPLE…the world needs to know about BODYCOMBAT…
Help me..to help YOU..to help Others…like you…that need help to help themselves…that can help their friends, families…have I missed anyone we need to help…???
If not combat, vote anyway! Comon we can’t let some cheap inferior win!
Hi Mel – The links for Body Step & Body Pump are linking to the Body Flow video for me…???
Thanks Jo!
I didn’t realise I’d done that. All fixed up now π
Have you voted today? π
I’ve voted now! And I’ll set a little reminder to vote every day until the 20th.
What’s with the guy wearing a tie in Combat???!!!!
lol, that’s Dan, he’s one of the choreographers (along with his fiancee Rach). That particular release of combat they did an “Old Skool” theme, so the tie and shirts etc were part of that π
yip ive voted once today and will vote again from home pretty soon