The training program I’ve started up has kicked off well this weekend. I’ve had enough interest to also put on the walking group on Saturdays, so although there was only 2 people this Saturday, there were at least a couple who couldn’t make it this weekend. However I will definately continue the walking group on Saturdays at 2pm.
The running group kicked off well at 12.30pm on Sunday, with 5 people (not including myself) participating in the run. The initial course I’ve picked out is a mainly downhill run, and the distance and intensity I choose will progressively get more difficult as we get closer to the City to Bay fun run date. A stretch is included at the end.
Anyone is welcome to join in at $5 per session. The program is structured to take into consideration everyone’s individual fitness levels. Non-Zest members are welcome to join in. Contact me asap if you’re interested (leave a comment with your email address and I’ll get back to you).
If interest continues, I will consider continuing the sessions after the City to Bay finishes.
Just been reading up on what you have been up to.
Sounds pretty full on. 😛 Hope your having fun.
I’ve missed you these past few months. Need to catch up so you can tell me the rest that has been happening to u. 🙂