Even though I’m not a GFM, I’d like to be so I enrolled in the Les Mills Group Fit P.R.O.F.I.T. Seminar to learn more about Group Fitness Management. It was a very informative seminar and I learnt heaps about ways to use group fitness to boost retention and improve numbers in classes. It was awesome and inspiring.
It was interesting because the subject of mirrors vs no mirrors came up, and I’ve always been a staunch believer of having mirrors of some sort. Although this seminar hasn’t completely changed my mind, it has made me rethink a little. I’ve always believed mirrors are important since they help improve people’s technique more than just about any other tool. If not at the front then at least have the mirrors on the side. However the seminar showed us how the number 1 fear for new members coming into the group fitness room is self image and looking like a fool. Apparently when you remove the mirrors from the front of the room this helps remove the fears and numbers in classes grow.
This is an interesting perspective and it makes me wonder what’s more important, better technique or more people doing fitness? This makes me think that mirrors on the side are probably a good compromise.
All in all I picked up some good tools for if I ever progress to a GFM position or any management position in general. I have to say though, it’s not natural for a GFI to sit on their butt for 8 hours……….I was getting a bit twitchy at the end, haha!
Hmm, I prefer mirrors on the sides and in front of me to check my technique from time to time. Besides, mirrors make a small gym much bigger, which is good.
But the other day came a newbie to a Pump class and she positioned herself away from mirrors, almost into the corner. So there may be a point against too many mirrors.
Btw, my local gym has bad front mirrors that make you look either fat, slim or distorted that much that your ‘bad’ reflection may affect the Pump workout. Doing Attack you don’t notice distortion as you move too fast. 😉