We launched the new combat today at Zest, with Sharon and I doing it in the morning…….and then I did the new release again in my evening class. When I launched in the morning I did tracks 1, 6, 7, 8, 9 10………and then in the evening I took most of it, with Jo shadowing with me and she took tracks 4, 5, 6.
In the morning I made a couple of mistakes, but none that anybody would notice. When it came to the evening class I guess I’d ironed out the kinks.
This release is just amazing, absolutely amazing. I thought it was amazing when I did it in Auckland 3 months ago, and I still think it’s amazing now! This release is also going to be special to me in many ways. Firstly, it’s the release I got to combat in Auckland along side Romeo……..that’s special in itself, let alone the fact I got to do it at the filmings. Second, it’s a release I got to spend time practising it with Alex and he got to participate in it twice before he left.
In the evening class I got Brandon and Alex to join us on stage for track 8, so us two girls in the middle with the boys on the outside. It was an awesome finish to Alex’s last class in Adelaide!
This release has now surpassed BC25 and 27 as my fav ever release.
- Awesome awesome awesome. I don’t know what else to say, this just brings back memories. It’s so fresh and different aswell. The first song is also in pump and I love it there too!
- Everybody’s screaming alright! WOAH WOAH WOAH! Linda and I screamed our little hearts out in Auckland…..I have to tone it down a bit when I’ve got the mic though, lol. Love the shuffle/roundhouses.
- STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP………brings back memories of track 3 from BC24, only better. Now I also know the origins of the dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah DAH DAH. Thank gawd we finally got put out of a misery, hey Eryx?
- IT’S A GOD DAMN KICK TEST! arrrggggh, are you noticing a common theme? Lots of screaming in this release. I haven’t had a chance to actually teach this track yet (just the way the tracks worked out last week), but I still love it. As I mentioned 3 months ago, there’s an obvious progression through the track 4’s since BC30.
- Not one of my favs, but a great split room track. Definately better than the last track 5. I think some people feel a little bit uneasy with the tuck jumps. I haven’t taught this one yet either, but my recommendation to instructors is make sure you show participants that they have an option.
- I said it before and I’ll say it again. Best track 6 ever (alongside Vogue and Bad & Sexy)! Love how the ginga’s work in this track. oh, and recovery no longer exists……it’s all just hard work now, get lower and get deeper and send your heart rate up!
- Ok this is the one track I can’t seem to like. Odd chorrey, not a nice song and the jump knees at the end are just too hard for most people. There’s not enough time to talk about the options, so many people just end up standing there, which kinda defeats the purpose. I’ve been teaching this by starting off with the low option and then progressing to the high option, this seems to work a bit better.
- Another awesome track. Thanks Eryx for requesting this song and helping getting it in combat. It’s bloody brilliant. Slight complicated combo at the end, but nothing we haven’t had before. It’s just easy to mix up this combo with the one from Reach Out.
- Tricep blaster……..OUCH! I demo’ed it in the morning, and then Sharon and the participants felt I should demo it again, so I did. Still didn’t quite catch it, so I demo’ed it again, then again, then again…….ok that’s enough! By the time I did all that, then the track, then again in the evening………oh my triceps were sore the next day. Nice work 😉
- Beautiful but different cooldown. No real katas this time so it gives a bit of a rest from them. I like katas, but this still works ok because the cooldown is still interesting. It finishes off an ALMOST perfect release.
Aww Mel, I cant wait until we launch this, but its gonna be another month!!!!!!. The only downside for me is that there wont be anyone in any the classes I attend that were at the filming (Donna’s on mat leave) to share the memories with, aarrrrghhhh, nevertheless, I will be doing this release with a big stupid grin on my face, lol. Bring it on, Woah, woah, woah
Haha yeah, Mel! But I want the ColorBox version so badly and still 6 days left until SS! 🙁 Nice review, REALLY looking forward to this release!