So Alex finally goes home. I took the morning off work so that we could…….well, get organised and pack and stuff to take him to the airport in the afternoon. We both had a huge sleep in though, since we were so tired from the previous weeks.
Seems like time was so short, the morning went so fast and before I knew it we were hurrying to the airport……a bit later than we really should have been for an international flight.
Saying goodbye was harder than I thought. I’d only heard stories about people saying they had to walk away and couldn’t look back. I thought it was always just fairy tale wussy rubbish, but it’s true, I couldn’t look back. I just had to walk away and keep walking.
Then it was straight back to work for a solid evening booked out with clients. No chance to really think about things which is good I guess. Phil & Jo then invited me back to their house for dinner which was really sweet of them.
Missing someone gets easier everyday because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them,
you are one day closer to the next time you will
and you will 😉
Is that a promise? 😉
it sure is 🙂