well, right now I’m typing this on a 100 year old laptop……….well, maybe not THAT old, but it’s a Pentium 100Ghz, so pretty old! My PC I finally got sick of crashing all the time and so I finally took it in to get it checked out, since I was convinced it was a hardware prob. They’ve tested it and discovered the motherboard is faulty, so that’s off to get replaced under extended manufacturers warranty. But cuz I took so long about bringing it in, the store warranty had expired so they wont do a straight swap for me anymore!
But it’s not all bad, I’ve got a laptop (more recent than this one, lol) so I can just connect direct to the internet through that. Now THAT has started crashing. But only when I’m on the internet. Thinking it might have been perhaps the new RAM I’d purchased I tried removing it again and no difference. So I figured I’d put RAM back in, cuz at least then when it crashes, it does it faster, lol. However, I’d discovered I’d done the screws up too tight and couldn’t get it open again. grrrrr.
So, stuck with just the 512 meg of ram and laptop crawling much slower than it should be. I think most of this is due to the preinstalled crap on it and I’m planning on doing a fresh install when I can get around to it. But for now, I have to wait about 20mins to boot everything up, and then I’d go online and within only 5 mins it’d crash again. After doing this twice I could just about have cried, I’d had enough!
Poor Alex got a call from me at that point, I was just so fed up with the internet I didn’t care anymore, and he patiently listened to me whinging for about 40 mins!
This afternoon I took laptop to the computer store where the friendly guy that always chats to me and helps me out, managed to get the screw undone and replace it……..phew
But now, back home again I’m can’t help thinking that lappy only crashes when I’m on the net, so while I sort some of that out I thought I’d try connecting this old beast online. The plan was to share the connection via the network, till I realised it’s that old it doesn’t even have a network card!
Now it keeps popping up with messages telling me I have to download something. Most annoying and probably a vulnerability with windows 2000. I’m sure I probably don’t have the updates on this thing……..there’s nothing installed on it, but I just
oh.. when you done with your “old” computer can I have it?
I’ve allways wanted a 100 GHz pentium, because mine is only a 3 GHz lol
love you hun :kiss: