actually, this ancient laptop is a 233mhz………..either way, you get the gist, it’s anciently slow!
The good news is……….it
hasn’t crashed yet, ugh. The bad news is I can’t install my copy of messenger on it. Requires a minimum of Windows XP.
Will have to see if there’s a version available for Win2000……….that could take a little while…
You know the answer. Follow the penguin.
Or if not; kick back to Windows 2k fresh install. Sounds likes lots of rogue malware and dodgy / cheap network cards / modems. If stuck with 512mb ram; dont try xp – by the time you apply all the hundreds of updates it will be back to slow again.
If you really need – look for a copy of knopix. This is a ‘live’ DVD of Linux – and basically runs without touching the hard disk. Includes support for most things as standard.
(Knoppix might also be the name)