So I’m finally back home again, my plane ended up being delayed this morning by an hour and a half, which is the first time that has ever happened to me. We all had to sit on the plane while they repaired it as we were notified there was an electrical fault. Nice…….just the thing you want to hear before you haul a lump of metal (with hundreds of people on board) and make it defy one of Neuton’s basic laws of gravity. Anyway, I had taken my anti-nausea tablets which make me sleepy and sedate so I didn’t really care much.
It just so happened that the guy I sat next to on the plane was from NZ, had been living in a European country starting with ‘S’ for 10 months (Sweden? Switzerland?) and was on his way to Adelaide to work with a horse guy that just so turns out he used to shoe my horses for me about 10 years ago. Small world, go figure!
We chatted quite easily about heaps of stuff and I think I fairly successfully scared him with telling him about the hot Adelaide weather.
My parents picked me up at the airport, which despite my SMS to warn mum that we’d been delayed, the airport hadn’t updated our arrival time, so they had to wait for me. After we got home I told them all about my holiday, laughed about the idiosyncracies of another country, driving on the wrong side of the road, the volume of bikes, the language, the auto flushing toilets……..basically all the topics that are amusing when you go to a foreign country. And most of all, we talked about Alex and the wonderful time I had with him and the plans we have for the future.
I did quite a silly thing in the evening though, and I’m sure most people will think I’m quite nuts. I got a phone call at around lunchtime asking if I was in Australia yet, cuz they desperately needed a fill in for a pump class. Ugh……..well I had been kinda thinking about participating in pump anyway, if I wasn’t too tired, but I didn’t know if I could guarantee that I’d avoid the chronic jetlag that sometimes hits right when you really don’t want it. So I said I’d see how I went that afternoon and let them know by 4pm whether I could do the class.
I knew I’d have to have a snooze if I was going to do the class, cuz it’d been too long since my last sleep. So I had a 3 hour snooze in the afternoon. I felt like crap when I woke up. Rather like having a hangover with only 3 hours sleep……lol. But I decided to do the class anyway. I felt ok, and I still feel ok although tired. I bet I’m gonna be sore tomorrow though!
I’m interested to know though, I wonder how many pregnant women go on an international flight over such a distance, then teach a fitness class around 10 hours after landing……lol.
Most of all, the thing that really stands out for me right now is how much I’m missing Alex. I’m missing him like crazy and I can’t stop thinking about him. The pain is horrible having to wait for the immigration processes and protocols, but he’s worth waiting for………..
and you’re well worth leaving the Northern hemisphere for,
my love
hopefully your wait wont be toooooooooo long
Well you’ve done a Pump class before with a hangover and 3 hours sleep, so you should be used to it! 😉