I’ve had lots of people asking questions about the situation with Alexander and I, who is moving where, I’ve said I couldn’t live in The Netherlands just yet, then after coming home I wrote here saying that I’d do anything to be back with him right now. But just in the last week Alexander and I have been in virtually daily contact with each other and we have some new news which have changed our plans slightly……….and for the better!
The current situation of Alexander trying to migrate to Australia is under a lot of pressure, due to the timeframe of my birth (mid May). We have been investigating every option possible and in the end all of them make it hard with the short timeframe and also require lots of money. Of course, this wouldn’t deter us, but still, it was scary for me in particular, because despite the fact that Alexander would be at the birth at all costs, I couldn’t bare for him to have to go back if it came to that.
The good news that we received this week, is that with his job, Alexander is entitled to 10 weeks off for paternity leave. So, we have now decided that 10 weeks is enough time for him to come for the birth, spend time with me and the baby and then the 3 of us go back to The Netherlands while we continue working through the immigration process.
This option has the added benefit of having more time to migrate and so maybe it’ll cost less and Alexander will also have my help to sort out his apartment and equipment and stuff. It’s a great opportunity for his family to also spend some time with our baby before making the move permanent and I also like the idea of spending some time in The Netherlands without the pressure of it being permanent. Besides, I might be lucky enough to have 18 months of summer in a row! 😀
I’m also excited about the fact that Euromad 3 is being planned for around October which means for the first time I will probably have the opportunity to make it to this UK event with forum members.
There are a few things that scare me of course, but they are minor. At the moment being pregnant I have gone through mixed emotions, and I have felt a little like I have no career etc, and I’ve lost lots of opportunities. But I think it’s nothing that every pregnant woman doesn’t go through. But with going to The Netherlands it means I’ll have to give up my classes, which at the moment feels like it’s the last thing in my life I have left right now. So I have shed a couple of tears over this, but I’m over it now and I know I can always pick it up again later, although I’ll have to work again at picking up classes.
The positives though outweight these negatives. I hope to maybe pick up teaching some classes while in The Netherlands. Maybe I can introduce the concept of Personal Training over there, since they don’t really have it? Although I’m sure I’ll probably have my hands full with raising a baby, and to be honest I’m starting to like the idea of being home for the baby, since I really don’t want to have a “childcare” baby.
Lots of the future is unknown, but I know I’ll be with Alexander and I’ll be back 😉
Now I just have to find a dutch course so I can start learning before I get there!
Hey Mel, that’s great news that a plan is coming together! Take it as it comes – you have a great set of skills so don’t worry about that side of things. You, Alex and baby take priority right now. You’ll sort the rest out over time, like we all do in one way or other!
Great great news Mel,
Ineke is excited over it.
When you and the baby come to stay some time in the netherlands, we will have a bed and a specail wardrobe (komode) for the baby (from Sarah and Benjamin) if you like.
greatings Ben & Ineke
Mel, that is absolute great news for all of you. I bet your all excited but scared at the same time, but you know that everything will fall into place. As for Euromad, well that wonderful news, we will get to combat together again.
Ooooooooooh that’s GREAT to hear. GREAT!!! The Netherlands won’t be as cold as in december ;), maybe we even have a real summer, without rain and stuff *grin*
Hope to meet you again, but I’ll be at Euromad, so at least I’ll see you there!
so, the NL summer is like, 2 degrees, right? 😉