OMG it’s been nearly 3 months since I posted on my blog! Before I married my husband one of my biggest blog fans was………my husband. If I didn’t write on it for a few days I soon heard about it from him, so that really motivated me to keep writing. But now, being a mother, stuck in the chores of daily life, plus the diversions of Facebook etc……….I’ve let this blog slide a bit 🙁
I have no idea if anyone is actually still reading here, but I did want to keep up to date with all the happening here………such as Les Mills launches, my progress with teaching in the Netherlands, update on the development of the websites. Only just so many hours in the day huh?
So summaries very BRIEFLY over the last few months……..I’ve been teaching more classes, filled in vive and pilates classes, now have a permanent combat class (at a really crappy timeslot though), just started teaching a permanent pump class aswell (forgot how much I missed pump, but DAMN am I weak and out of shape… some work to do there), got really sick for weeks and got pneumonia, had visit from parents in The Netherlands (and were lucky enough to have 2 weeks of the best weather we’ve had all year).
So summer has come and gone and I’m not really sure it arrived at all. We did get a couple of days around 35C which surprised me into a pair of shorts, but sure enough, it disappeared fast and the rain and cloud returned. The temperature is rapidly plummeting to subzero temps (overnight) and during the day 6-10C is getting really cold………..and it’s only autumn.
We recently just had launches for all the Les Mills programs. I launched combat which was combined with attack into a 45 min class. I presented track 6, which was a pretty easy track to learn. Balance was at the same time in another room, so I didn’t get to launch that one.
The new releases are so far, pretty good………..although I’m still a bit over this doing-the-same-release-for-2-months thing………tends to make ANY good release boring after a while.
“I have no idea if anyone is actually still reading here” – some of us are; RSS feeds are wonderful for keeping track of blog updates – however rarely they occur 😉
Good to see you’ve got some permanent slots. If combat and pump don’t increase your level of fitness soon then nothing will. But eight weeks without mixing… *shudder*
I check your blog a few times a week to read if there’s anything new 😀